“ Bad Handwriting is Symptom of Half Education”. . . Mahatma Gandhi
Features of good Handwriting – Cursive Writing , Devnagri (Marathi and Hindi), Calligraphy
The essential elements of good handwriting are passing an exam, a promotion, a graduation or an
achievement. Good handwriting encourages the reader , shows hopes for the reader. Make your writing
effective, easy to read and understandable. Writing is venture into communication. Know your strengths
and limitations and improve them. Good handwriting enhances your personality. It is meant for students
who are undergoing their education in school and college or who would like to enter a broad area of life
to start these careers. Methods used are very simple which will enhance your way of writing. We more
focus on Line Spacing, Word Spacing, Letter Spacing, Margins, Baseline, alignment of the paragraph,
size of the font, Handwriting Pressure.
Batch Timing:
Monday to Friday
4.00 – 8pm (Choose any 1 hour or 2 hours)
Saturday & Sunday
10.00 – 1.00pm (Choose any 1 hour or 2 hours)